New Synthetic Bali Hut Thatch for Timber Frame Gazebo's
Unique Synthetic Thatch Rail Installation System

Synthetic tiles for Timber frame roofs...

Synthetic Bali Huts
Brisbane Thatch & Decks also offers
Synthetic Thatched Balinese Huts
Although Brisbane Thatch and Decks Balinese Hut frames will last 50 years plus, Bali Thatch however does require to be re-thatched after about 10 to 15 years. It is after all a natural carbon storing product. Although Brisbane Thatch and Decks is the best placed to do your re-thatch with superior better graded, thicker thatch imported directly from Bali, many clients opt for the now even lower maintenance Palmex Bali Thatch look alike Synthetic Thatch tiles. Although the synthetic thatch can not compete with the amazing atmosphere created by the natural Alang-Alang thatch, it does have the advantage that it can last for 50 years. Palmex is perfect for those little corners next to the pool where you just want to forget the maintenance and look at the picture from your window every day.
Palmex is also perfect on existing corrugated roofs and becoming very popular at resorts where massive areas needs to be covered with thatch.

Smart Synthetic Thatch by Brisbane Thatch and Decks

Smart Synthetic Thatch from Brisbane Thatch and Decks

Smart Synthetic Thatch by Brisbane Thatch and Decks
Synthetic Bali Thatch
Brisbane Thatch & Decks - Synthetic or Palmex Thatch Tiles is an alternative and no-fuss upgrade system for timber frame Thatched Gazebo's and Brushwood Huts. Synthetic thatch can easily be used on existing timber or colourbond roofs to transform the theme to a luxurious tropical island resort ambiance with minimum effort. The Synthetic Bali Hut Tiles are made from a polyurethane compound that is UV resistant and long lasting. Synthetic tiles biggest advantage, is that it will last for up to 50 years with no maintenance and minimal fading. Furthermore, it creates a luxurious Balinese Hut lifestyle anywhere in the garden, whether next to pools, resorts or at shop fronds.
Please note : Palmex does not come with the Teracotta ridge capping. If Brisbane Thatch and Decks re-thatch a Bali Hut with Palmex we can re-use the existing Crown or Terracotta Ridge Capping. We can however supply a new Crown or Terracotta Ridge Capping with Finials on request from our valued clients.

Inside View Synthetic Bali Thatch - Smart Thatch
The developers of the Synthetic product Palmex have gone to great lengths to make the inside of the of the synthetic thatch as natural looking as possible. However it does not look quite as attractive as Alang-Alang Bali Thatch but it is 100% water-proof. The manufacturers have tested it for durability dating back 25 years and based on these tests they can confidently claim that Palmex would last for 50 years.

New Synthetic thatch Bali Huts

Long lasting, water proof, Palmex Synthetic Thatch

New Synthetic thatch Bali Huts