Import Versus Custom Design Bali Huts
Importing a "Flat Pack Bali Hut with Deck" directly from Bali is most certainly cheaper but certainly not in the same class as a solidly custom design and build to Australian Standards Balinese Pavilion by the Brisbane Thatch Team.
But the old saying still rang true. "The poor man pays twice".
Imported Bali Huts are designed for mass production, to save space during shipping and is limited to size and shape. Imported Bali Huts are designed to stand on flat solid surfaces. The panels are very heavy and difficult to lift during the assembly process. The thatch panel joints and hips always start to leak after 3 to 5 years. Imported Bali Hut timber, decking, joist post and rafters are not treated for weather and termite attacks. In time imported Bali Huts will most certainly lean to one side, presenting a remarkable resemblance to the tower of pizza over a short period of time. Maintenance on Imported Bali Huts are limited to rebuilds only but
The good news though, is the fact that Brisbane Thatch and Decks can and has rebuilt quite a significant number of imported Bali Huts so all is not lost.
See photo's.
Advantages of custom design and built Brisbane Thatch Balinese Huts, Pergolas, Gazebos and Pavilions.
Brisbane Thatch and deck's structures stand solid and sturdy in ground with both a flat or sloping surface area. We use only the best materials, A-Grade Thatch, High graded, weather and terminate preventative treated timber and post. We have superior thatching techniques with no weak joints which results in a much longer thatch lifespan and less maintenance. Our frames will last a lifetime and when it comes to re-thatching, we are the best and offer a competitive after market service.
We have the expertise and experience to do the job rite the first time.