Fire Retardant Thatch
for Balinese Huts
Custom treated Fire Retardant Thatch
Brisbane Thatch and Decks also supply and stock Fire Retardant Alang-Alang Thatch for Balinese Huts in public spaces, parks and resorts. It is also a solution for Bali Huts that are located in higher fire risk areas and busy walkways where Bali Huts are built right next to a fence and could be accidentally or deliberately set alight by passers by.
Fire retardant only slows down the rate of the thatch setting alight and burning, but it slows the burning time down considerably.
Our valued customers already know we are only using the best CCA treated timber for our frames, galvanized fasteners and the best quality thatch. We also supply the very best fire retardant thatch on the market.
The retardant is CSIRO approved to be used on all public and commercial Balinese Huts.
CSIRO Fire Retardant test results are available with purchases of Fire retardant thatch.

Fire Retardent Thatch Bali Huts

Fire Retardent Thatch Bali Huts

Fire Retardent Thatch Bali Huts

Fire Retardent Thatch Bali Huts